This Sunday we took advantage of the winter sunshine and went downtown. I'm not sure which Reshen enjoyed more- the tasty hot donuts we got at Pike's Place or the Monorail train he saw speeding above us. "Train up there!" he exclaimed about the Monorail and stretched his little arms up as high as he could, "Can't reach it!" He also seemed to enjoy the bustle of Pike's Place, the plethora of vegetables, flowers, seafood and souvenirs lining the hallway, the variety of people, the occasional street performer and the hidden nooks and crannies of the market. We brought his stroller, but he wanted to walk the entire way- even up a huge hill. He had so much fun, we had a bit of trouble getting him back into the car when we were finished.
Reshen continues to have adventures with his "guys." He has two that are named "Michael" and "Sonia Lee" (no he didn't name them, they came that way). The other day he gave me "Michael" and went to search for "Sonia Lee" for himself. He was having trouble finding her and came over to me, knelt down and looked directly at the guy in my hand. "Where Sonia Lee, Michael?" he asked the plastic figure in a very serious voice. Trying to contain my laughter I spoke for Michael, suggesting that we all go look for her together. Sometimes I wonder how much of Reshen's interaction with his "guys" is pretend and how much he really believes they are real.
Reshen has discovered one of my favorite children's shows, Little Bear. The artwork is by Maurice Sendak (you know, artist of Where the Wild Things Are), and the stories are simple and slow paced.. unlike some of the flashy, hyperactive children's shows of today. I've liked it for years and even bought a Little Bear plush animal when it was on clearance probably 5 years ago, long before Reshen was thought of.. hoping to share it with my child someday. How sweet it is to snuggle with him on the couch as he clutches his stuffed Little Bear and we enjoy our show together.
Reshen loves to talk with me as we drive to and from daycare. He's intensely aware of his surroundings and likes to tell me what he sees. The other day a huge flock of birds engulfed the sky. "Look at that!" he exclaimed "Lots of birds! Birds on house! Birds in tree!" Eventually we passed them and I asked him if he could see anymore birds "Just one, Mommy." he answered. I looked in the mirror and he was holding up a finger on one hand and pointing out the window at one lone bird with the other. What a smarty-pants. :-)
He also likes to pass the time by playing a game where you ask a question, such as "What has wheels?" and then go through the objects that have them or don't have them. Example:
Me: Does a bus have wheels?
Reshen: Yes, bus have wheels!
Me: Does a tree have wheels?
Reshen: Noooo. Tree no have wheels. That silly. (pause) What else have wheels?
This game can go on and on.
"Mama talk." he often requests, as if he can't get enough of my words. He likes me to read to him, to make the "guys" talk, to just chat with him about our day. It's very sweet. I'm sure someday it will be "Mom be quiet" or something to that effect, so for now I'll talk to my little man for as long as he likes. :-)
I love reading your blogs about your life with our little man. I just imagine his cute little voice when I'm reading and it just makes my heart melt. I love you!
That boy of yours is too smart for words! I realize I may be a bit prejudiced, but really, now, it's too much! Actually, I think it's just a great reflection of the parenting he gets. Great work you two.
Such a smart little boy you have there, just love the train no reach story
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