We've had a busy month! Reshen has been doing great, growing and learning. He's talking so much and saying funny "grown-up" things. Some that caught me off-guard just recently are:
- "I think so" when I asked him a question
- "Oh yeah" when I remind him of something
- "Remember that?" when he's recalling a past event
- "Hmmm, let's see." When he's thinking about something
- "Oh, so cute!" about babies.
- "That (was/is) so funny!" Followed by a forced hearty laugh
He knows a lot of colors now- blue, green, orange, yellow, red, pink, black, purple and his new favorite- turquoise (or "turk-noise" as he calls it :-)
wait at the station and has the train stop and makes the guys get on and off. Yesterday the train was running out of batteries and he told me it was "going slowly." He also loves the music of Choo Choo Soul and enjoys getting on the computer (with our help of course) and watching their music videos. In fact, he has now begun singing their theme song when he pretends that *he* is a train. Yesterday he decided that a pattern on the floor at Macy's looked like a train track and immediately he became a train and had to "chugga-chugga-choo-choo" around it.
-chicken popping out of an egg
-cat (he has the cutest meow)
-fire truck
His other favorite thing to play besides trains his with his "guys". He has a variety of them- from Fisher Price Little People, to GeoTrax figures, to toddler-friendly Superhero action figures. He makes them "live" in a toy house that Santa brought him for Christmas and acts out day-to-day life. They eat food in the kitchen, wash their hands, go potty, take showers (funny, because he actually takes baths, not showers), play with toys, read books, play outside, etc.. Of course, he enjoys it most if mommy or daddy play along and we have the same scenario everytime:
Me: "Sure, I'd love to come inside"
Reshen: "Hungry. Want, ummmm, applesauce!"
Me: "You want some applesauce? Sure I'll make you some."
(pretend my "guy" is making applesauce.) "Here you go, guy."
Reshen: "Thank you." (pretends his guy is eating it). "Bleh!" (pretends his guy is spitting it out) Laughs hysterically.
Then we move our guys into the "living room," then into the "bathroom,"etc.. and play out the normal scenarios there. It's very cute, but can also get a little monotonous for an adult- when you've already played it 10 times that day. ;-)
He also pretends with his Fisher Price animals that came with a zoo set. He has designated the seal as the mommy, the lion as the daddy and the x-ray fish as the kid (himself probably). He is always the fish and then he makes me be "mommy seal" or "daddy lion" or sometimes both :-) They "walk" around the room and go on adventures to the library, zoo, restaurant and Costco :-)
very enthusiastic dancer (his moves mostly involve spinning and jumping).
Health-wise he's doing pretty great too. At his 2-year check-up in November he was 29.5 lbs and close to 34" tall. That put him around the 50% percentile for both height and weight. He's in 24 months to 2T clothes for shirts and mostly 24 months for pants (although he can wear some 2T pants if they are on the shorter side). He seems to be long waisted/short legged, like his daddy. ;-) He is also in size 6.5 extra wide shoes.
a.m.). He takes one nap at daycare, and I think he sleeps around 1.5 hours. At home on the weekends, he always seems tired and crabby in the morning, so sometimes he'll take a 30 minute morning nap and then another 1 hour or 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon. He resists sleeping on and off (although that is not really new), but now is tricky about it. Sometimes he'll tell me his mouth hurts. If I say he's fine, then he says his ears hurt. If I again say he's fine, he then tells me he has a poopy diaper. He's such the little stinker, because he knows those are all things that have previously gotten him out of his crib.
He is becoming increasingly a "2-year-old" in the behavioral sense. We've had some issues with him running away while in public. He now gets a warning when we're in a store and if he continues he gets strapped into the cart or stroller (which he hates). He's become more defiant at home, yelling "No!" if he objects to something and/or collapsing on the floor crying. We do warnings and then time-outs at home. It seems our discipline is going to have to get a little stricter than it has been... he is getting older and able to handle more rules and consequences now I suppose. All-in-all, though, he is still a fairly compliant kid for the most part. The bad behavior is mostly triggered when he's tired, bored, hungry or overwhelmed, so I try to keep ahead of those!
- Halloween gorilla masks
- Jim Carey as The Grinch
- A scene in the movie "The Snowman"
He is only mildly afraid of the crow.. in fact sometimes he actually wantsto see it. But he is very afraid of the rest of them (cries and clings to me). Poor little man.
So in summary, our guy is doing great! A happy, healthy and very active 2-year-old. We are truly blessed :-)
Hello to all. Enjoyed catching up on Reshen and all his tricks and achievements. I'm sure he thinks that the holidays should last forever. Just keep those presents coming! As always, thank you for keeping us all posted on his life, and yours.
Oh, I love the update. Thanks so much for all of the news. I wish, so much, I could be there to imagine the day away with Reshen. And to play all of those fun games with him. He is just so sweet and genuine. And such a smart little cookie, too. Tantrums? Our little man. No way! The world is very rosey through grandma's eyes :-)
Hello, I love reading about our little man! I just have to laugh when I imagine him playing all his little games:) I think of his sweet little voice and how much I would love to there with him. Thanks again for keeping us posted. Love you all xoxoxox
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