Our little man is looking like a big boy now with a new haircut. It's his second haircut (his first was in August), and we actually sprung for a professional job this time. We took him to Supercuts and were pleased with the results. The stylist was great with him and he sat so still and quiet. He did look just a little worried, but was brave and enjoyed a complimentary sucker afterwards (his first, by the way). I'm always a little sad to see the long hair go, but it was in his eyes and also people were beginning to call him a girl again, so we said "bye-bye" to the long locks...although, I did have her keep the sides and the back a little longer than is traditional... he has kind of a 60s or 70s shaggy look going on now, and I think it's adorable :-)

Not only is he looking like a big boy, he's really talking like one even more. He's using the word "I" a lot more often than he used to, so his sentences are sounding more complete. Yesterday I called him a "goober" and he said "No. I not a goober. I'm Reshen!" I know he's used "I" before, but he was still referring to himself in the third person a lot, often saying"Reshen do it,"etc. It just struck me this weekend how often he now talks in the first person and just how "together" his sentences are suddenly sounding.
I realized the other day that I need to be more accurate with my words, as Reshen takes everything literally. I noticed that his diaper seemed a bit full this weekend, so said outloud "Hmmm... I think you need another diaper." Meaning, he needed a clean diaper. "No, mommy. " He said. "Need just one." Too funny. He was right, though. He only needs one diaper at a time. :-)

The boy has been melting mommy's heart lately with exceptionally sweet displays of affection. Out of the blue he will throw his arms around me and announce "I love you, mommy" in his sugary voice. When we rock before bedtime he will suddenly sit up, cup my cheeks with both of his pudgy toddler hands, stare intently into my eyes, smile, say "Hi Mommy" and then kiss me square on the lips. I suppose these "mommy and Reshen love sessions" make up for all those screaming fits in the grocery store and 5 a.m. wakings.
As a child I recall my parents wondering how my sister and I could swim happily swim in the frigid Lake Michigan waters. We somehow just didn't feel, or perhaps simply didn't mind, the cold... and I wondered back then what the big deal was... why didn't my parents want to swim too? Now I understand. No, Reshen and I weren't swimming in January. But we were playing outside in the unusually cold Seattle winter weather. It was probably in the 30s and a bit breezy. I know, it could be worse, but I'm not used to these temperatures and I was freezing. Reshen, on the other hand, was happy as a clam. We walked completely around the block. We pushed the cross-walk button and went over to Walgreens. We walked home and then went next door to the park. We looked at bugs, stirred puddles with sticks and collected pine cones. He had such a great time. But did I mention I was freezing? I tolerated it, of course, because I love my little boy and it's not often we see a clear, sunny *weekend* day in January. So I shivered and indulged him and eventually coaxed him back inside with the promise of hot chocolate. Mommy knows how to make the boy happy :-)
Always love reading your posts Brooke, its amazing the stuff we do for our kids is't it?
I love Reshen's new haircut, how nice he looks. I am sure he won't mind the next one, now that he know the lollipop follows. What a handsome little man he is. And how grown up he suddenly looks. He is talking like an old pro with the sentences, too! Funny how he corrected you about his diaper. I would love to be there to bundle up with the two of you for outside adventures and the hot chocolate afterwards. You are wise to enjoy those sunny days with the little man. As you know, those are the wonderful freebees in life. The memory makers, too. It is little wonder qhy the little man adores his mommmy. So do I. :-) XO
He is more handsome than ever! He looks like an old pro sitting there in the chair so still - I can't believe he did so well for the haircut.
Nadia's speech has really come together in the last couple weeks, too. SUCH a vocabulary explosion, and much more complicated sentence stucture and concepts. correctly using I, me, my, you, yours. They're growing up!
I love the story about his diaper, so sweet:) His haircut is very handsome too. I'm glad you kept some if it long like you did, he has such beautiful hair. Hugs and kisses to all of you !
Hello to all. Brooke, as always I was enthralled with your story-telling. I wonder if now that Reshen's had his first sucker, will he want more??? Or have you told him that is only a hair-cut treat? Thank you, again, for keeping all of us posted on the new events in your lives. I enjoy them so!
Love you!
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