When did my little baby become a little man? He's been such a funny, cheeky, expressive little fellow this past week. Even the mommies of my nanny charges have commented on how much older he seems lately. He's such a *kid* all of a sudden!
Today he ran up to me an said "Juice!" I was reading a book to Luke, so told Reshen I would get him some in a minute, after I was finished with the page I was reading. Being only 16 months, he didn't want to wait a minute and said "Juice!" again, touching my arm and leaning into my face. I again told him just a minute. He then proceeded to tug at my arm and tried to physically pull me into the kitchen! He *really* knew what he wanted and that was for me to pour him some juice. We need to work on that patience. At least he gave me a very sweet "thank you" when I finally gave it to him.
He is very into slides and sees them everywhere. The other day he noticed the couch cushion at an angle and told us it was a slide. He then spent close to 20 minutes "sliding" down it (it was a short ride, but he didn't care). He does excellent at the park now and can go down the toddler slides all by himself. All I have to say is "Let's go to the slide," and he practically climbs into the stroller himself. He saw a *huge* slide at Costco yesterday and was extremely excited about it- too bad it was only a display model and out of reach.

He still loves vacuuming and will grab his own little vacuum every time I use mine. Today he had such a fun time of it, he kept announcing "more!" every time I turned mine off. I ended up vacuuming one more room than I had planned just because he was enjoying it so much.
One of the funniest developments has been his singing. Yes, our boy now sings :-) I play his British Action Songs CD in the car and he will pick out a word and "sing" it at the right moment. For Wheels on the Bus it is the word "All" in the chorus. It's *so* cute and hilarious. He's loud and very off-key, but his timing is perfect! Even though I am so sick of that CD, I play it anyways just to hear him sing.
He has really begun to show beginnings of make-believe. He plays with his doll, feeding it a bottle while making little eating motions with his own mouth. He also likes to take the doll's diaper on and off, and sometimes we wrap it in a blanket and pretend it is asleep. He also likes to load up his little school bus with "guys" (as he calls them) and push it around saying "bye-bye."
He has shown more interest in potty-related ideas. The other day we were at a store and he suddenly grabbed his diaper and said "diaper!" "pee pee!" He did it again when we got home, so I changed him and he was wet. He also will poo and tell me "diaper!" Now this doesn't happen all the time, just every once in awhile, but it's a start. There have also been some times he wants his diaper changed and it's not even wet, so I don't know what's up with that. I think we are going to buy a potty chair this weekend so he can get a little familiar with it. I don't expect him to actually use it yet (I don't even know if he can physically control it yet), but I figure there is no harm in introducing it.
He is saying *so* many words these days. I've actually stopped keeping track because he really tries to say almost everything. I love how he'll pick a word out of a sentence I say and repeat it. He's also saying more two word phrases. This is just a *small* sample of what new things he has been saying lately:
carrot (ker-tit)
blanket (un-ket)
basket (as-ket)
tractor (truh-ter)
His phrases lately have to do with people or objects leaving: "cat go?" "dada bye-bye" "kaka (one of our friends) car" and of course there is still the "no mine!"
I'm always excited to see what the little man is going to do next :-)
There must be something about this age, because Nadia has been seeming so much older lately, too! Where did our babies go?! But the kids they've become are SO much fun. :o) Love it that he picks words out of the song to chime in on, and the pretend play is adorable. I am always amazed by his growing vocabulary.
It would seem that our little man has become quite the entertainer as of late! He is really moving right along, isn't he?! That is great that he is showing such an interest in the whole potty thing. And you are right, it IS a start. I love it that he is such a polite little man, too. If only all kids got that sort of training at home. It has to start at home and you both are doing a more than wonderful job at parenting. Applause, applause, applause!! :-)
Lucas *adores* the vacuum cleaner! In fact, he has to kiss it *every* single time I start vacuuming. I have to pause every minute or so ... so that he can bend down and kiss it. LOL! :) I *wish* that Lucas would say all of those words. *sigh* He really knows what he wants, too, just like your little guy! :) Sweet comment from your mom, BTW!
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