Happy Easter! We had a fun Easter Holiday. On Friday, I held an Easter Egg Hunt for Reshen and the kiddos I nanny for (Luke and Lucy). It involved much instruction from me (Pick up the egg! Put it in you basket! Yay!), but it was still fun and cute to watch. Perhaps he'll "get" the idea a bit better next year.
On Sunday morning he got a special basket from the Easter Bunny (mommy and daddy). He didn't get one last year (he was only 4 months old), so this was a first for us. I had a lot of fun putting it together. It contained some Color Wonders Markers (the kind that only work on special paper) and a Color Wonders Finding Nemo coloring book, a book about spring, some Bunny links that snap together, a box of Animal Cookies, and a few plastic eggs with fruit snacks inside of them. He really got excited about it and played with all of it (including the basket) all morning :-)
Later I dressed him in a cute little Easter outfit (nothing special, but a little nicer than he usually wears) and took some photos outside while it was still sunny.
We had lots of good eats on Easter too. Reshen inhaled some carrot cake and also enjoyed the ham, pineapple, deviled eggs, and green bean casserole that we had for dinner. Yummy!
What a wonderful, quiet little Easter! The Easter basket sounds like so much fun, and I'm thinking I should get some Color Wonders for Nadia, too. Just like toddler to be more interested in the basket than all the goodies inside. :o) I'm glad you guys had a good holiday!
P.S. You have such a pretty yard...all those flowers. I have a "black thumb" and kill every plant I come in contact with, so no flowers in my yard.
How adorable is our little man in his jammies as he inspects his Easter Basket in the picture?! I can see him carefully studying it all. I do wish I had been there.....you know my heart is always with you all. The basket that awaited him on Easter morning sounds wonderful, a toddlers dream! Sounds like something his mommy would have enjoyed, too, at the tender age of 16 months :-) I can remember a little girl, in her footie pj's, sitting on the floor at the front door on Easter morning. Very early in the morning, mind you. Sifting through the pretty Easter grass for all of the jelly beans. Yes, I can see you there, in my minds eye :-) with your hair all done up in pin curls, hugging your new Easter Bunny. Those Easter curls were very pretty, for about a half an hour. Long enough for that Easter picture, and maybe Sunday school IF it didn't rain. Wasn't that just yesterday? Maybe not, but those memories, and pictures are priceless!! Glad to see the tradition has carried on. No pin curls for our boy, though!
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