Reshen has developed a case of "Mommy (and Daddy) Madness." He has to know where both mommy and daddy are at all times. He calls for us, runs after us, hugs and kisses us, and announces our presence in the room with glee. He likes to touch our personal objects (purse, coats, shoes, mugs, etc.) and delcare who it belongs to. He is so in love with us, his parents, it is really sweet. Today he sat on my lap facing me, looked deep into my eyes and said "Mama!" then he leaned in and kissed me square on the lips, gave me a huge bear hug and squealed with delight. How much more does a parent need? :-) The only downside is that he doesn't want to go to sleep- he'd rather be up playing with us. And now instead of just crying, he calls for us..."Mama, Mama, Dada, Dada..." in this pathetic, pleading little voice. Oh, little man....
We took Reshen to Chuck E Cheese's on Saturday for the first time. They had a toddler slide, so needless to say, he was in love :-) He paused long enough to eat some pizza and then was right back to playing. He was entranced by Chuck E Cheese, himself... a large robotic mouse. It would appear from behind a curtain, sing a song or two, and then disappear again. Reshen would watch slient and wide-eyed, but then would call for it as soon as it left. "Mouse! Mouse!" he would yell, "Go?" It made such an impression he talked about it for the rest of the day, "Mouse Bye-Bye," he kept saying.
Reshen is really showing just how much he comprehends these days. It's becoming increasingly easier to communicate with him. Today he became frantic because he wanted to watch Alan mow the lawn. I had to put his shoes on him first. A couple of weeks ago this might have progressed into a tantrum, as he would want to go outside that very second. Today, though, I told him that we needed to put his shoes on first and then we could see the mower. He paused and thought about it a second and then said "Kay" and sat down on the stairs for me to put his shoes on! How cool is that? :-) He still looked a little worried, saying "Mower." and looking at the door. I would respond, "Yes, we'll see the mower after we get your shoes on, OK?" "Kay." he would answer. What a good communicator he is becoming :-)
He is really into repetition lately. Everything we do, we have to do 100 times in a row it seems. After every song, book, action, etc., we do he shouts "more!" "again!" If we don't oblige he will shout it over and over. How many times in a row can you really listen to "Wheels on the Bus?!" I found that 5 is my limit... I'm really trying to get him attached to some different CDs, but those action songs are still his favorite and he asks to hear it the moment he's in his car seat. His singing is really improving, though, and he will "sing" an entire song now! I suppose I could listen to "Wheels on the Bus," a few more times just to hear that funny, sweet little voice sing along :-)