Turns out our little man's feet are not so little. Noticing that his current shoes were a bit too snug, we went shoe shopping this weekend. We knew his feet were on the wide side, but were surprised when even the wides were not fitting him. After two days of searching (selection for wide toddler shoes is horrible, by the way), we finally broke down and drove all the way to the North Bend Outlet mall (60 miles away) to visit the Stride Rite store. He was fitted there in extra wide shoes! So currently our bubby is wearing a 5 1/2 xw. It's sad for mommy because it severely restricts our shoe choices... there are SO many cute boy shoes out there (and cheap too), but now we don't have much to pick from.. and they are not cheap. :-( But what is important is that our little guy has comfortable, healthy feet.
Reshen has been *such* a toddler lately. First of all, he has begun throwing more defiant tantrums. He will scream "No, no no!" and then launch himself into the screaming and crying when he gets upset now. We had an episode at the Nordstroam Rack today when I wouldn't let him climb on the shoe racks. He *was* tired, so I understand where it came from, but it still is embarrassing. We are just not giving into the fits, but also try to divert his attention and make him forget why he is throwing them.
He has also begun to stick objects in his nose. Yesterday I had to fish a pea out of it! I have to say, even with all my experience with toddlers, I was not ready for this one! Now I watch him more carefully if he is eating anything small and round.
I have been so amazed with his language development. Today at the shoe store he started standing and then squatting and announcing "up!" "oun (down)!" over and over again. He was so proud :-) He has also started saying "on" ("off" used to mean both on and off). He was playing with his socks in the car and kept saying "on, off, on, off" and then would chuckle to himself. What a funny guy.
He is such the helper lately. He puts everything away (except for his toys of course). If he sees something on the floor that goes on a table or in a drawer he picks it up and puts it away as best he can. Today he picked up a paper towel from the floor, threw it in the trash can and then tried to pull the trash can into the broom closet, where it usually is. I was impressed! He also LOVES the broom and will "sweep" for a long time. I just hope he is always this helpful :-)
Words he has added to his vocabulary:
Down (oun)
Grandpa (gan pa)
Monkey (meh key)
Diaper (deh per)
He's begun playing "games" with us. Yesterday I was in the kitchen and Reshen was playing in his hat drawer nearby. I heard his cute little voice say "bye bye" and looked up to see him standing there with his sun hat on his head. He then waved and grined at me and took off running towards the door, stopping every so often to say "bye bye" again and wave with that silly grin on his face. When he got to the door he started giggling and then ran back to me. It's so neat to watch his sense of humor developing.
Last Monday we took Reshen to the doctor because of goopy, swollen eyes. It turns out he had a common upper respiratory virus that causes goopy eyes and other cold symptoms. She gave us some eye drops and said it should go away. He did run a fever for a few days and didn't sleep well, but he seems to be healthy now. Let's hope it lasts!
I'm glad you guys finally found some shoes for him - but oh my gosh, what an ordeal! His "bye bye" game is just too cute. Sounds like he in undertanding eveything and communicating so much. It's so amazing the stuff they learn. Oh, and fits - yup, we're allll to familiar with them lately, too.
Too funny! What a card the little man is! I would have loved to have been there to witness his display at the mall. I can laugh just sitting here imagining the scene, though. And don't you wonder what makes a child think about inserting a pea in his nose? You have a real live wire on your hands, don't you!? A happy healty toddler!
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