We've had some really nice warm weather here lately. Yesterday was 65 and simply goregous! It was so nice to open all the windows and let the wonderful spring breeze refresh the house. Reshen and I spent the afternoon outside. It's no secret that he loves the outdoors, but he especially seemed to enjoy himself in the warm sunshine. I taught him how to pick dandelions and smell them. He thought that was really neat and would toddle over to one, pick it, and then hold it up to his mouth while breathing in and out really hard through his nose (trying to smell it). He would then hold it up to me and say "mell!" He calls flowers "oweh" Hey, it's close :-)
He really loves the park and scares mommy to death with his confidence. He likes the slide (which he calls "ide" and also makes a sound effect for it. Sorry I can't replicate the sound effect, you just have to hear it). He goes down the slide on his belly, feet first thankfully. What scares me is how he likes to walk around on the play structures, which are not always fully enclosed. I'm so afraid he's going to fall over the edge of one. He's also really into steps and will walk down them without even hesitating, whether I'm there or not! To his credit, he does do really well on them- even uses the hand rails- but he's not 100% steady yet and also tries to tackle big steps (way too steep for his little legs). He also loves big kids and wants to do what they are doing.. which means he's always trying to play on the big kid play area, which I'm not ready for yet, and also thinks he can use a big kid swing, as opposed to the baby swing. He's not even 16 months yet and thinks he's 4 years old!
One of his new developments has been the concept of "stuck." He now pushes trucks and other objects around and when they run into anything else he announces "stuck!" and then backs it up and goes around it. It's really cute.
More words he is saying:
Flower (oweh)
Smell (mell)
Nemo (mo)
Giraffe (ahf)
Splash (ash)
Turtle (tuh-tuh)
Slide (ide)
Jack (ack)
Luke (uhk)
He really likes music and singing and dancing. Sometimes he'll pick up his Elmo and start swaying back and forth with it saying "la la la" and then I have to sing the Elmo song for him. Or he'll pick up his Baby Einstein Dragon and dance with it and then hold it out to me so I can push the button and make it play the music. This morning he was watching Little Einsteins and one of the characters was singing a funny nonsense song and shaking his head. Reshen grinned and started doing the same thing. Now if I sing that song to him he shakes his head crazily. He also still adores the British Action Songs CD from Lucy and dances around the room and does the motions for Wheels on the Bus, I'm a Little Teapot, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, etc..
He is becoming very interested in TV. He's always enjoyed bits of it from time to time, but now gets *really* into certain programs. His very favorite thing to watch right now is the movie "Finding Nemo." He says "ish ish! (fish)" and pushes buttons on the DVD player when he wants to see it. I limit it to evenings when I'm getting dinner ready and he is over tired (from those mini naps he's been taking). He sits right down and grins in anticipation. He doesn't watch the whole thing (nor do I want him to), but mostly just the middle (as I begin it a bit into the movie). He now recognizes Nemo on his blanket and poster in his room and likes his Nemo bath toy. He mostly calls it "ish" but also says "mo" for Nemo."
He's also taken a shine to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney Channel and Big Big World on PBS. He actually got upset last night because he only saw the last 2 minutes of Big Big World. He kept saying "more, more!" but it was over. I don't mind him watching TV a little bit, but am seeing that I might have to actually put a *real* limit on it soon.
Reshen's eyes have been a little "goopy" the past couple of days. He's also been really resisting sleep. *sigh* I'm really hoping this is not another ear infection. I'm giving it till Monday and if it's not better I guess we will have to go to the doctor again. It's really been going around at my nanny gig. All the kids have been sick with something and they keep giving it to each other. But that is life I guess.
What a sweet, clever little guy! I wish I could meet him, and he and my girl could play together. Wow, it sounds like he's talking like crazy! Nadia has a decent size vocabulary, but she doesn't talk as often as it sounds like he does. The singing and dancing is just like Nadia, as are the daredevil antics at the park! Too cute that he loves Nemo like that. Nadia still has no interest in tv. I hope his eye clears up!
Oh, I remember those warm sunny days, playing outdoors with my little girls. It seems like it was just yesterday that you were picking dandelions and offering them to me. They were a wonderful gift to me then, as those memories are to me now. Enjoy those little bouquets, as they are some of the most special ones you will ever get :-)
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