Bubby Bliss

Amazing Adventures of Reshen

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Some random things my boy has said lately:

"Bless you, Mommy." after I sneezed today (no coaxing at all, btw)

"I love you too, Mommy. Have a good night!" He called this to me as I was closing his door at bedtime. How sweet is that?

"Buggy is at the aquarium. I miss my lobster!" What can I say.. he's Buggy obsessed lately. And the silly thing doesn't even exist!

"What you talking about?" to Alan and I when we were talking in the car. When we told him he said. "No. I want to talk about trucks." So of course we did.

"Moooommmmyyy. Where aaarrrreee yoooouuu?" He calls this to me from his crib sometimes.

He has been nodding his head "yes" and shaking his head "no" instead of verbally saying "yes" and "no" lately. It's really cute- they are very deep and deliberate motions.

Oh, and Reshen hasn't been interested in the potty since our success last weekend. Figures. But I know it will happen when he's ready.


Anonymous said...

I love writing down all of the cute things that they say ~ in order to remember it later and also to show them when they're older! :) Meredith is really taking off with saying words now. She's so good at "dirty dog"! LOL! :)

Grandma said...

That is so funny about the little man and his beloved lobster. A boy and his pet lobster, that is hysterical. I love how much he is talking, what comes out of his mouth is always amazing. He enjoys being part of the conversation,too, doesn't he!?!

Anonymous said...

WHY????? Oh boy, you are going to have lots of fun with that. At least he is curious about his world and wanting to know more. That's a good thing. I also loved your shoe story and being able to just buy something at Payless. Ahh, the little things in life!
Love you all!!