Our little boy is both looking and acting like such a "big boy" lately. First off, I finally broke down and let his long baby locks get cut. It was just getting so long and out-of-control and I know Alan was getting tired of the "What a pretty girl" comments. Because we're cheap, we decided to cut it ourselves. Actually, Alan cut it while I held a wiggling Reshen. The result wasn't the best haircut- it's a little short for mommy's taste and a bit uneven. I suppose we'll spring for a professional cut next time. He's still pretty darn cute though :-)
He has been saying the funniest things. It's so much fun to hear what's going on in that remarkable mind and to watch his personality develop .
Here are some examples:
1. We were reading a "Bob the Builder" book and were looking at page showing Bob standing beside an empty truck. Reshen pointed at the truck and said "Go in there." Then he pointed to Bob and said "Go!" and then back to the truck and said "In there." He waited a moment and then pointed at Bob again and made a pushing motion towards the truck and ordered "Go, Go, Go!" "Go in there." Alan and I were extremely amused. He really thought he could boss Bob the Builder into the truck.
2. The other day he was eating steamed veggies and decided he didn't want them anymore, so he dramatically spit them out of his mouth and then shook his head solemnly. "No," he said, "I don't like it." It was all I could do not to laugh out loud. It was the first time he has actually used the words "don't like it." He's also started saying that he loves things, like "I love strawberries," and my favorite, "I love mama." :-)
3. Reshen counted to 12 *in correct order* last week. Alan and I were floored. What a smart boy he is :-)
We've had lots of fun adventures recently. We went to the zoo with his daycare a couple of weeks ago. He had a great time and it was fun to see him interact with the other kids. He even has a little curly-haired "girl friend." :-) That day he rode a carousel for the first time and loved it. Now he often asks to go to the zoo when we get in the car. Too bad it's so expensive!
Another of his favorite places these days is the library. We have a nice one just down the street and he loves to go and read books in the children's section. They also have lots of puppets there and a small toddler area to play in. We usually check out a couple of board books and a music tape. He's always asking to go to the "Liberry" now and actually cried the other day because he was heartbroken that it was closed. Perhaps we have a little reader on our hands :-)
Today we went to the Cedar River Watershed and took a walk down to Rattlesnake Lake. Reshen had a wonderful time watching butterflies, eating blackberries and throwing rocks in the water. We also went the their nature center and he had a blast playing with their interactive water cycle game (sticking balls into vaccum tubes and watching them travel to a location across the room). He was also amazed by their really cool "water drums," (water drops randomly spill from above and hit various drums, making a really neat, constant rythmn created by nature). He exclamied "Water play drums!" as he watched wide-eyed.

We can really tell that Reshen is nearing age 2. Along with a heightened understanding and vocabulary he is developing a ferocious sense of indendpence. Most of the time he's still my sweet boy and *usually* cooperates, but more and more often he'll go into meltdown mode when we won't let him do something that he wants. He has begun to scream "No!" and will also run away screaming and crying if I'm trying to change his diaper when he doesn't want to, or put him to bed. He also seems to anticipate trouble, and will tell me "I want Mama walk away," and points the other direction when I approach him to change his diaper or put on his shoes. He is just so bossy. We've begun to introduce "time-outs," although luckily we've only had to give a few so far. Most of the time, tantrums result from him being tired or when we are out in public, so time-outs aren't appropriate in every situation. He's also been teething lately (those 2 year molars I think) and can be so crabby, especially in the evening. I'm seeing shades of our developing 2-year-old and I'm not sure I'm ready for it!
He likes to watch the end of the movie "A Mighty Wind," as it's a folk concert. He sits attentively and claps with the audience at the end of each song. He calls the movie "Guitar Show." I love how he is so into music.
I suppose you've noticed the new look of this blog. I was tired of seeing my old template on other people's blogs, so Alan created me a totally original one. Isn't he talented? :-)
I adore the new look , think my faviroute part in the ticker on the bottom. Alan is so talented with this stuff.
Its great to hear another update, i love reading what your boy is up to now the little smarty pants. You really should update more :) (Although guess you are busy so will let you off)
We love Reshen's new look :-) Alan did a good job, considering he had a wiggley customer. That little man is as cute as he can be! His grandpa and I can't wait to come and play with him and catch up with you all. We continue to marvel at his new language skills and now he is even counting, too. What a special little fellow he is. Growing by leaps and bounds with all of the wonderful stimulation he gets from the two of you. We love you all!
your boy is such a smartie! I am just amazed every time I read about all the cool new things he's doing. He has such incredible understanding and vocabulary.
LOVE the new blog design, Alan is SO good at this stuff! wow!
Wow, Reshen is really smart, can count the number to 12 now. Surely, Brooke has done a great job to develop him.
We miss you guys very much.
It's a beautiful new template! Your hubby is talented! I love it! Lucas counts to 10 in order, too, and then skips to 16. Not sure why. We think that he's way eager to get his driver's license. :)
Hello all. I am catching up on your adventures and have loved doing so. It's hard to believe our boy can communicate so well an not even two years old! He's a genius, that's all there is to it!
Great web page, too.
Love you!
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