*** Huge Sigh***
We're back! We made our big move on July 2nd, and even with the wonderful help of my parents and moving men on both sides, it was a looonnnng day. I don't know what we would have done without my mom and dad (thanks so much!!). But we're here, mostly unpacked (although not as organized as I would like), and getting settled.
Alan started his job last Friday and likes it so far. I found a great day care for Reshen and we will begin transitioning him to it next week (the 16th). It's a privately owned day care that offers preschool and gymnastics. Hopefully Reshen will love it and we will be happy with it. I begin my new job on the 23rd. Our goal is to have the bubby adjusted to his new day care before then. Wish us luck!
Reshen is doing so great. He's really very easy-going when it comes to changes in environment and routine. He seems to relish new experiences. The only part of him it screws with is his sleep. He had some horrible nights while my parents were here. He just got so jazzed up during the day I suppose his mind had troubles turning off at night. That has always seemed to be his problem. He is doing better sleeping now, so let's hope it lasts for awhile.
As usual, his language is rolling right along. Something I hear all the time now is "I un (want) Mama hold you," with the appropriate hint of whine to it. Even though he says it *all* the time now, while clinging to my leg, it still gets me. How can I not pick him up when he says that? :-) Of course when he says it at the grocery store or when I'm in the middle of cooking dinner, it can be a little annoying. He has been very affectionate (i.e. clingy) this past week. Perhaps due to the move... I guess I can't really blame him.
His vocabulary is *huge* now. He knows so many nouns, it amazes me. He also understands (and verbalizes) concepts such as "turn around," "unlock," "under," "in there," "on there," etc.. He can pretty much verbalize anything he really needs to these days. They aren't always perfect sentences and sometimes you need to do a little guesswork, but he usually gets the point across. He is still calling himself "shen" which I just love. It's so cute. The other day he said "Shen wuv (love) Mama." Can you ask for any more than that? He also uses "I" and "You" too. What a smart little guy he is :-)
He went pee-pee in his potty chair for the first time when my parents were here. He told my mom he wanted to go potty, so she took him there and we were shocked to see he actually *used* it! I don't know if he actually went intentionally or if it was just an accident, but it was still exciting. We praised him, and then I let him help flush it down the toilet. It hasn't happened again though. In fact, he doesn't really even want to sit on it now. I'm not pushing, just offering when we are in there. I don't think he is actually ready (I don't think he has the physical capability to control it yet, or the burning desire to use the potty all of the time), so it will still be awhile I'm sure before we will be done with diapers.
We've had a lot of fun since we've moved here. I've been trying to spend as much time as a I just simply having fun with Reshen before we're doing the work/day care routine. We've done the zoo, beach, numerous playgrounds, toy stores (just for playing/browsing), and the library. The weather has been simply gorgeous this past week... hot, but beautiful. There is nothing quite like a cloudless summer day in the Pacific Northwest.
Today we went to Carkeek Park, which has a great mix of beach, forested hiking trails, and an awesome playground. Last time Reshen was there he was 7 months old and was confined to the front pack and the baby swings. It was a whole different experience today. He owned that playground :-) When he was finally done with it he decided he needed to go for a hike and took off onto a trail! It was a little scary how he didn't even look back to see if I was following. But of course, I was close behind and let him lead the way. He climbed up this pretty steep hill, using the built-in steps, and stopped every-so-often to check out a rock or flower. He was really interested in the twisted root of one tree and insisted that it was a monkey! It did kind of resemble the face of one, I guess. I just love seeing the world through his eyes. He really is a little nature boy. I think we're going to have to take him on some hikes this summer!

On the teeth front, he now has 13. He has just cut his first incisor (I think). They are the pointy ones. He still has 3 more of those to go, which I'm not looking forward to. He was *very* drooly and cranky while cutting this one. He even told me a few time that his mouth hurt and that he needed Tylenol- not kidding!
He seems like he is getting so big- both weight and height. He legs are looking so long these days, although some of his 24 month stuff is still a little big length-wise. He still has his crazy long hair. I was going to have my mom cut it when she was here, but we never got around to it- or maybe I just wasn't ready for it :-) I suppose it does need some attention in the front. It's often in his eyes or it makes a funny point on his forehead (reminiscent of Eddy Muenster). And people think he's a girl *all* the time. It's just going to make him *really* look like a kid (not a baby) when it is cut.
Well, there is so much more to tell, but it's getting late. I'll blog again soon-- promise :-) And I have *tons* of photos to upload to his website and also to my flickr site. If you want to see them, check after this weekend and they should be up by then.
Thanks again for all the well wishes people. This all has been a huge change in our lives and it is a bit overwhelming... but will it be good for us. It's the dawn of a new era for our family :-)
Glad to hear that tooth has come in :-) It is funny that he knows that medicine will help! His toothy little grin is getting bigger all the time. His "grandma' and "grandpa" sure did enjoy the visit with you all, even though there was alot going on. Reshen was so good through it all. I know his nights were messed for you, but he sure was agreeable and sweet considering the upheaval of house and home. What a darling :-) And I knew "mommy" wasn't quite ready for the little hair trim. It's ok, he IS still a baby. You are right, it will make him look suddenly older. Maybe next time, hopefully that won't be too long from now ;-)
I'm so glad you guys are (getting!) settled in. I hope Reshen's first day at day care today went well. He sounds like such a amazingly clever and sweet little guy! That's terrific that he handled all the changes so well - he's turning into quite and adventurous one. As always, I am totally blown away by his language skills. I love it that he asks to "hold you." Nadia doesn'tch ask for "up" she asks for "hugs" - how can we refuse those sweeties?! I'm glad you guys are getting so share so many special adventures together before you begin your BIG adventure of returning to work!
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